Academic coaching
The essay is one of the most powerful parts of your college application,
especially now that two thirds of U.S. colleges and universities forgo standardized tests.
It’s your chance to speak directly to the admissions office.
A high-octane essay can rocket you past candidates with better grades and curriculum.
Among equally-impressive applications with great essays, the winner gets the admissions officer _excited_. (We know how to do that.)
Stanford has an acronym: SP. Standard positive. Solid student and application, but “just standard.” You’re not just standard. You’re about to make the admissions officer’s day. In just 250-650 words your story delights, impresses and makes them your advocate.
Make sure you stand out among standout people. Let’s make your essay undeniable.
Note: our coaches instruct on writing skills and guide clients through their process. We do not draft academic essays.